Pulse Electromagnetic Frequencies (PEMF)
Uses technology that emits electromagnetic waves at different frequencies to stimulate the body’s natural recovery process. PEMF exercises the cells to help resolve cellular dysfunction and support overall wellness. Healthy cells have a voltage of -20 to -25 millivolts. When our cell’s voltage drops below -15millivolts cells are unable to heal and become dysfunctional. Imagine cells being like batteries, PEMF acts like a battery recharger for your depleted cells. PEMF therapy slows down or stops the release of pain and inflammation, increases blood flow of the cells and re-establishes healthy cell interaction.
● Pain or dysfunction in:
○ Ankles
○ Back
○ Elbows
○ Hips
○ Knees
○ Shoulders
● Suffering from:
○ Chronic inflammation in joints or soft tissues
○ Chronic Fatigue symptoms or chronic fatigue syndrome
○ Peripheral neuropathy
○ Osteopenia or osteoporosis
○ Poor wound healing
○ Arthritis
● INCREASED circulation
● EXPULSION of Cellular waste
● INCREASED Nutrient Absorption
● REBALANCE Electrical Charge
● RELIEF chronic pain
● HELPS you recover from an injury faster
● REDUCES pain and inflammation
● IMPROVES athletic performance
● GIVES energy naturally
● STIMULATES and exercises cells
● CORRECTS cellular dysfunction throughout the body
● ENHANCES the body’s natural recovery process
● IMPROVES circulation, cellular metabolism and energy